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Silhouette soft face lifting

Silhouette soft lifting

Chubby cheek, Sagging skin, Double chin

Operation time 1Hours
Follow up None
Recovery time None
Hospitalization None

Silhouette soft lifting - ME CLINIC SEOUL

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See how Silhouette Soft® works

- Silhouette Soft® uses a double action effect to restore smoother and more toned skin, but also a more shapely face.

- To meet this requirement, Silhouette Soft® combines two effects:
An immediate repositioning of the tissue and a gradual regeneration of collagen.

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- The repositioning effect is immediate and discreet. It is the result of tissue compression and skin elevation at the time of implanting the suture.

- After inserting the suture, the doctor applies slight pressure on the treated area. In this way, the doctor reshapes the contours of your face and makes it visibly smoother.

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- The regenerating effect is gradual: Poly L-lactic acid (PLLA), the principal component of Silhouette Soft® is a well-known polymer that has been used for many years in a number of biomedical and pharmaceutical applications: suture thread, orthopedic pins, rods, screws and nails for bone fractures. It is because this polymer shows excellent biocompatability and is biodegradable that such applications have been developed.

- The small cones on the Silhouette Soft® Suture provide traction and fixation points, a natural foreign body reaction then reinforces this, by the build-up of new collagen formation.

- This action is what helps restore shapeliness to the face and neck.

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How do you know Silhouette Soft® is safe?

Made in the USA

- Unlike many suspension sutures on the market today which originate from Asia, Silhouette Soft® is made in the USA and is subject to numerous sanitary controls.

- Silhouette Soft® is made of a resorbable and biocompatible components, which has proven its worth in various medical fields: The main component of Silhouette Soft® – Poly L- lactic acid (or PLLA) – has been used for many years in various pharmaceutical and medical applications such as suture thread, orthopedic pins, screws and nails for bone fractures etc.

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See how Silhouette Soft® works

150,000 treatments worldwide

- Silhouette Soft® has been developed after 6 years of research in permanent suspension sutures with cones used in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

- With more than 150 000 treatments carried out so far, Silhouette Soft has proven it’s safety and efficacy all over the world

- It is CE marked for the European market and the manufacturing site complies with the requirements of international standards ISO 13485.

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Silhouette Soft Physicians

- It is recommended that all Healthcare Professionals attend a Sinclair training workshop where they are trained on the recommended insertion techniques in detail.

Surgery time and Anesthesia

- 2~3 hours including consultation time with Dermatologist​

- No anesthesia or sleep anesthesia


Who is suitable for Silhouette soft lifting?


Chubby cheek

The strongest non-invasive threads lifting procedure
performed by the experienced doctor


The strongest non-invasive threads lifting procedure
performed by the experienced doctor

Double chin

The strongest non-invasive threads lifting procedure
performed by the experienced doctor

cost background image

Procedure Cost

1 thread950,000KRW
4 threads2,400,000KRW
※ TAX (VAT) is included in mentioned prices.


The Day Right after procedure After 7 days
Procedure Going back to routine Follow up or Not required

Before & After surgery

before & After surgery

ME CLINIC painless procedure

methods for painless procedure
methods for painless procedure - 3 Steps of 1/3 Block Anesthesia

Methods for least downside petit procedure


Copyright © 2014 ME CLINIC SEOUL, MCS for Aesthetic clinic with Seoul tour. All rights reserved.
meclinic.net and the MCS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ME CLINIC SEOUL headquarters located at 376 Gangnamdaero, Gangnamgu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
This website is edited by Direct or Chris Lim( Lim tae Jung) chris@meclinic.net | +82-10-3118-7591.


주소 : 서울 특별시 역삼동 825-8 9층 미서울의원 | 전화번호 : 1661-5580 | 상호 : 미서울의원 | 사업자등록번호 : 214-14-92016
외국인환자유치등록번호 A-2020-10-02-3963 호 ( 대행업체 KOMD "Chris Lim") | 대표 : 박슬아
