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About clinic FAQ list

  1. About clinic


    We are open on Saturday from 11 AM to 6 PM but we are CLOSED on Sunday.

  2. About clinic


    ME clinic address
    1) English: Clinic address is "749 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul"
    2) Korean: 강남구 선릉로 749 미의원
    3) Detailed location information https://www.meclinic.net/hours--location.html

    MAP (Google map) https://goo.gl/maps/H5gHW62KFwN2
    Also, you can search 'ME cosmetic clinic'in Apple map on iPhone.



    1) 'Gangnamgu office station' on line 7 or on yellow line (Different from 'Gangnam station')

    2) Exit 3-1 at Gangnamgu office station.(No Exit 3, ONLY EXIT 3-1)

    3) Turn LEFT from top of Exit 3-1 Escalator(Must take Escalator) to 'Hakdong junction' direction.(Please check the signs on the roads)

    4) Walk downhill for like 5 min and you can see our building on left side.


    TAXI or Navigation

    Show below message to the TAXI driver.

    강남구 선릉로 749 네비 또는 학동사거리에서 강남구청역 방향으로 꺽자마자 첫번째 작은 사거리(영동고등학교 사거리, 커피빈 앞)

    “If you are lost or facing to some troubles to find us, please be free to contact our staff by SNS and we will gladly help you to find your way.”

  3. About clinic


    We have a branch in Singapore for now.

  4. About clinic


    Estimated arrival time are 50 minute by a car and 80 minutes by a subway.

  5. About clinic


    There is 3 ways to make an appointment,
    - You can contact us by our Social networks (What Clinic, WhatsApp, Facebook, Line, Kakao PlusFriend)
    - You can make an appointment by walking to the clinic and You can make an appointment with a phone call

  6. About clinic


    Prescribed medication is not included in consulted prices and patients need to visit a local pharmacy to purchase their own prescribed medication due to Korean Drug Law.


Copyright © 2014 ME CLINIC SEOUL, MCS for Aesthetic clinic with Seoul tour. All rights reserved.
meclinic.net and the MCS logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ME CLINIC SEOUL headquarters located at 376 Gangnamdaero, Gangnamgu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
This website is edited by Direct or Chris Lim( Lim tae Jung) chris@meclinic.net | +82-10-3118-7591.


주소 : 서울 특별시 역삼동 825-8 9층 미서울의원 | 전화번호 : 1661-5580 | 상호 : 미서울의원 | 사업자등록번호 : 214-14-92016
외국인환자유치등록번호 A-2020-10-02-3963 호 ( 대행업체 KOMD "Chris Lim") | 대표 : 박슬아
